Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid

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Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid
Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid, April 2018.

Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid

Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid

Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid
Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid, April 2018.

Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid

Penelope Cruz at Ceremony of Delivery the “Adoptive Son” Title by the City of Madrid
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